Slit lamp examination methods

Bio microscopy of the living eye is a routine ophthalmology examination. The slit lamp enables the user to inspect individual eye segments in quick succession to obtain a general impression of the eye and make a diagnosis. Learn how to do slit-lamp examination in general way.

  In a slit lamp, the most important type of illumination is the optical section. All other techniques are variations. For survey examination of the anterior segment the slit is adjusted to full aperture. 
This results in a circular, very bright and evenly illuminated field that is slightly smaller than the microscope's field of view. By placing a ground glass into the optical path the entire field of view is illuminated. It is well known that the structure of transparent objects such as the cornea, anterior chamber, eye lens, and vitreous body can only be seen poorly in transmitted or reflected light, as the relative amplitude modulation of light is too weak and the phase modulation is not perceived by the eye. However, such objects can generally be observed well in scattered or fluorescent light. 
The basic methods of examination can be classified by the following illumination techniques.
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