The strabismus - Introduction

The strabismus, a condition of lack of coordination between the two eyes is known and recognized since the earliest time. In the primitive folklore and mythology, it was considered to be an effect of evil eye.

The word strabismus was derived from the name of Greek Geographer named, ‘STRABO’ who had a horrible and unbecoming squint. The reorganistic and documentation of the condition of the squint in the literature dated back to 2600 BC. It was stated that Egyptian Goddess Maya Squinted and also Egyptian King D Joser (2600 BC) for whom the first pyramid was built, has gross internal squint, Guillemean described strabismus as a wrestling or within which drawn the sight unequally or a convulsion and pulling of muscles which move the eye or so same muscles of the eye are loosened and shortened, so the eyes as drawn downward, upward, to the right side or to the left side.
Hippocrates first noted the cross eye in children of cross eyes parents use of a mask with two holes in front of the eyes to straighten them was described by Paulus, Worth in 1903 classified the binocular vision in three grades and devised the four dot test. Maddox emphasized the treatment of abnormal retinal correspondence and Mary Maddox was first to organize the orthoptic clinic in London.

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